Sunday 13 September 2009

My well planned weekend dinner menu has gone completely to pot! My guests informed me Friday night that they hate lasagne! (how can anyone hate lasagne)! I wonder if I'd said spagetti bolognaise would that have made a difference? Anyway it wasn't lasagne I was cooking, it was a greek version of lasagne actually...So I ended up cooking 2 portions of my pasta and we ate one of them Friday night and my daughter and family enjoyed the 2nd one last night. So what did I cook for my guests....remember the smoked haddock that i had in for Friday night? (I don't have a freezer so I have to think on my feet so to speak) I turned it into Risotto, I didn't tell my guests they were having smoked haddock risotto as anyone that doesn't like lasagne will surely hate smoked haddock rissotto! So I just simply said when asked, 'rissotto'. Followed by my lemon trifle for pudd. (they told me after they'd eaten it that one of them hates lemons)! Ahhhh

1 comment:

  1. Your food skills are beyond these people. Make sure you have guests who appreciate your efforts!
