Friday 12 February 2010

Ooo, Ginger bread men!! and girls, I've had loads of fun tonight baking and decorating ginger bread people, I don't quite know if the recipe is perfect yet but this is great fun! x

Friday 18 September 2009

I've baked and iced a birthday cake this morning. My son's a big cricket fan so this had to be the theme! it has chocolate flake for fencing, candy cigarettes for the stumps, red liqourice lace for the boundary and green coloured iceing for the grass. (I hope he likes it)!

Wednesday 16 September 2009

It's a rescue T tonight - long day and tired so thank goodness for m&s canned chill con carne I say! with basmanti rice, oh and I added extra chilli and a glass of red wine-just in case...

Tuesday 15 September 2009

It's now 5.30pm and as I've been up since 5.30am it feels like supper time to me now, so I'm going to be healthy and snack on fruit and nuts while I prepare for supper. Tonight i'm making a huge puff pastry chicken pie with left overs from a roast, along with sweetcorn, carrots, celery, mushroom condensed chicken and white wine soup, garlic, tarrogan and anything else I find along the way. I think I'll go and have a glass of wine first....

Had supper at my friends house last night, was a simple but very tasty bacon sarnie, with chiabatta bread, roast cherrie toms, dollop of mayo and fried rocked! Along with a bowl of broccoli and stilton soup - was scrummy! (would have been even better with a glass of wine - but i was driving so had to made to do with a steaming mug of  T, drat)

Sunday 13 September 2009

Pork chop with broccoli and garlic (loads of garlic) I don't care if my breath can be smelt for miles tomorrow either. I'm putting in a whole bulb!!!
My well planned weekend dinner menu has gone completely to pot! My guests informed me Friday night that they hate lasagne! (how can anyone hate lasagne)! I wonder if I'd said spagetti bolognaise would that have made a difference? Anyway it wasn't lasagne I was cooking, it was a greek version of lasagne actually...So I ended up cooking 2 portions of my pasta and we ate one of them Friday night and my daughter and family enjoyed the 2nd one last night. So what did I cook for my guests....remember the smoked haddock that i had in for Friday night? (I don't have a freezer so I have to think on my feet so to speak) I turned it into Risotto, I didn't tell my guests they were having smoked haddock risotto as anyone that doesn't like lasagne will surely hate smoked haddock rissotto! So I just simply said when asked, 'rissotto'. Followed by my lemon trifle for pudd. (they told me after they'd eaten it that one of them hates lemons)! Ahhhh